Quick-Load Ads Only App
Often ads causes problems with pagespeed. So, we opt for asynchronous ones. But then, some ads don't render until your user has already gone past it's slot.
What's the point in having ads if your users don't see them?
That's where this App comes into play.
Normally, CDNs like Max CDN sends cached files to a user from the nearest location. I can only assume Ezoic works the same way.
But, that may not be fast enough.
This App, that Ezoic will make, will limit the ads based on the speed it needs to retrieve the data and render.
The ads that render the quickest will be ones given more priority to above the fold slots.
Overall, this can be done, possibly by many factors to calculate potential speed: Location, size, etc..
Or by having analyzed previous ad requests in the past hour or so from a particular region from networks and their ads, and limiting the ones that don't meet the requirements that will be set from the app.
You may say that Ezoic optimizes layouts, which could be a factor to circumvent this underlying problem, which will then show ads that only renders where a user sees them most. Then, what about those who do not wish to change their layout to a significant degree? Or just simply can't using Ezoic?
Well, I bring to you, the Quick-Load Ads Only App (Q-LOA)
Although it is possible that this app may cause a reduction in earnings, it is an option some developers may be interested in.
I know I am.
It's just a thought.