A way to delete sites
I would like a way to delete a specific site from my list of sites in the ezoic system.

Anonymous commented
I am still searching. A way to remove my site manually
Differencess.com -
Youssef cheaito commented
Please remove my site www.sourpress.net from your database
Sodeeq Adekunle Kareem commented
Please remove my site www.pietymerchandise.com.ng from your database.
Bismark Coffie commented
remove www.techlinestore.com from your database
Amit Malsar Official commented
please remove my website amitmusic.in
Pushpendra commented
please remove my website from your database https://yourhelp9.com/
sandeep commented
please remove my website from your database http://bhojpuriyaclub.com/
proyass commented
Please don't remove my site: https://www.onlyformobile.com/
Thevindu commented
please remove my site https://organic4yourlife.com/
krimo flasher commented
remove https://krimoflasher.com/ from your database
Anonymous commented
remove https://thriftytourister.com from your database
Muhammad Bilal Riaz commented
Please Remove https://www.paksinfo.com/ from your database
Adarsh Raj commented
Please Remove https://coronavirustipstriks.blogspot.com/ from your database
tamam commented
my website https://drivetr.com/
yd commented
my website https://sulselpedia.com/
Anonymous commented
what the hell. How is this that people are asking to get their sites removed.
ALQuneitra Today commented
Please remove my domain www.alquneitratoday.com from your database.
Thank you -
Anonymous commented
please remove my account:
https://www.bddailynews24.com -
Anonymous commented
Please remove my domain Arewatimes.com.ng from your hopeless database
Payalben Parmar commented
Please remove my domain www.myschoolclerk.in from your database.
Thank you