A way to delete sites
I would like a way to delete a specific site from my list of sites in the ezoic system.

bhuiya commented
Please remove my domain https://www.footmaxbd.com from your database.
Thank you -
Anonymous commented
Please remove my domain https://www.homebdinfo.com from your database.
Thank you -
Mohammad Ebrahim commented
Please remove my domain https://askthelaw.ae/ from your database.
Thank you -
Anonymous commented
Please remove my domain https://www.digitalhindi4u.com/ from your database.
mark mole commented
Please remove my domain https://freelicensekeys.com/ from your database.
Thankyou -
Anonymous commented
Please help remove my website
https://www.asenews.in -
Zeeshan Ali commented
Please remove my domain https://techiapkworld.com/ from your database.
Thankyou -
Anon commented
Please, remove https://rosyempire.com from your database
Ivy commented
Please help remove my website: www.glutengetfree.com . My website still doesn't have much traffic. Thank you
Anonymous commented
Please the delete the blogsguru.net domain to my ezoic account. I can't find the remove option. Please help me
Anita Kunwar commented
Please remove www.hindimehlep.com & www.abplive.com
Anonymous commented
please remove my website: www.yourcellaccess.net
Rajnish Kumar commented
please remove my website - www.knowledgekira.com
yash lohade commented
how can i remove my zite form ezoic : https://getexcito.com/
Anonymous commented
My ads are rejected by Ezoic, now I am looking for ways to remove my site from Ezoic.
Anonymous commented
Hello sir I want to delete my site from ezoic account
Https://getexcito.com/ this site please delete this site from account -
Rebecca lewis commented
My ads are rejected by Ezoic, now I am looking for ways to remove my site from Ezoic.
karim commented
I would like to delete my sites from ezoic system
Anonymous commented
how can i remove my zite form ezoic : https://norte.digital/
jaibishnoi commented
can i add my all domain ( https://toursguide.org https://techsavvyguide.net and https://gktodayjobalert ) at once at a time,