Long content page breakdown : each publisher to decide how to split a long page or not to split it at all.
Some long pages are better broken into subpages, others are better not broken down. The publisher is the one in the best position to decide. There should be a way to put the question to the publisher before breaking down a long content page.

[Deleted User] commented
Begin by doing brief workouts of 30 minutes or less. Add a few of minutes per week as your strength improves. The American Heart Association suggests 75-150 minutes of aerobic activity per week, as well as two strength-training sessions. Read More: https://www.yourquorum.com/question/how-long-should-a-woman-workout-at-the-gym?utm_source=ezoic.uservoice.com_gv&utm_medium=ezoic.uservoice_organic_gv&utm_campaign=ezoic.uservoice_gv
Anonymous commented
Why am I "anonymous?" I entered my email address, which seems redundant since I'm already logged in. I'm Rob Spooner, if anybody cares.
Anonymous commented
Is this now done automatically? I didn't know that. I would prefer to leave the matter to the Ezoic algorithms.