More publisher control over the header image size
Hi. So right now, the majority of Ezoic templates feature a giant image under the main navigation bar and before the content. I don’t know what the purpose of this image is - only it does nothing but dominate the Above the Fold, pushing all the content Below the Fold. Whenever I visit my site, it’s all I see as the first thing on any page.
Is there any way we can control the size of that image, for instance, make it letterbox size? Or remove it altogether?
Even reducing the width of an image (when uploading your own) doesn’t change the image size; in fact, the image is blown up to fit the parameters.
The other problem with the image size is that it distracts from the menu options in the main navigation bar. So if you have a store as one of those options, it’s more important that visitors see that store option and know it’s there. Having that image in the way can be really detracting.

Davos commented
Dwayne, how do you this? By having no images in the Top Images section of the dashboard?
I think it would've helpful to have mentioned "top images are optional" somewhere on the dashboard for those not in the know; or even adding a line about it in the Top Images page itself.
You do not have to select an top image. It's optional. Most templates will show nothing in that location if you have not selected or uploaded a top image.