Publisher control on where to position the mailing list signup box in the sidebar
Hi. I've posted about this before, but didn't describe it very well, so doing it again here.
Basically, I'd like control of where I put my mailing list signup box in my sidebar. Before September 2014, you could have this signup box above all the ads in the sidebar WITHOUT you having to do anything. You just installed your box (using the widget section in WordPress) and there it was - with every single Ezoic template.
Now, Ezoic have moved the mailing list signup box to below the first ad in the sidebar. And without telling us or asking us if that's okay. It's not.
Any publisher knows the top right corner of a webpage is where the mailing list signup box needs to go. The mailing list (and its subscribers) are the lifeblood of your business. When visitors come to your site, you need to catch their attention straight away, with a big bold signup box. Mine has a free ebook that goes with it
If our mailing lists are our lifeblood, why does Ezoic get to control where its signup box goes?
Yeah, ads are important in the sidebar too - but they should go underneath the signup box, as a rule.
Not impressed with Ezoic moving that box around, without asking us, and you shouldn't be happy about it either.

Thanks for the suggestion. At some point, we would like to add optimization goals such as mailing list signups so the system can balance your other goals (such as revenue) against that.
In the meantime, you're more than welcome to use the "widget" functionality to place your mailing list signup at the top position.
Peter commented
I would second this request. Having the sign-up / sign-in element of the site moved below a massive banner add, and therefore below the bottom of the browser window, is exceedingly unhelpful. Please address this ASAP! Signup and signin is an essential page element that should not be treated in this way.