A metric showing how much individual pages earn.
Google analytics shows us how much money each of our pages earns. This enables us to concentrate on high performing subjects for our articles and reduce those that don't earn so much. We've found this to be precious information but Ezoic doesn't provide it, which is a huge drawback.
It means we're writing in the dark, not knowing which articles earn the money and which are duds. Could you consider providing this information please?

anonyme commented
how to generate a lot of money what topic to address how does it work exactly
Anonymous commented
I started using the feature this morning. Pretty excited about this. The nicest part is the flexibilty built into the tool. In the same way that the other tools you have built have a "most common use case" default (like time periods) I think there is room to build these out, but the core functionality are great, and I think this can evolve into an entire community of users seeking not only to perform advanced searching, but also to learn from users how they might employ these analytics tools to improve their content as well.
Anonymous commented
Yes, please ad this. I use page metrics to determine ad spend and article creation. Seems that I've lost that ability now that I'm using Ezoic.
Anonymous commented
Yes, this would be very, very helpful. I second this suggested feature.
This is technically very difficult but I thought I would give an update that we are working on finding a solution.
Tony Lawrence commented
Absolutely. Losing that from Analytics will annoy me greatly.
David Parrott commented
I'd second this one. As well as wanting to see how individual pages are performing, I sometimes want to do experiments of my own to see if I can improve a page relative to others.
Anonymous commented
From a publisher's perspective this is critical.