Ability to see each variation and rule out unacceptable ones.
Right now all we see is numbers. I would like to be able to view each variation and to rule out ones that are absolutely unacceptable to me.

Daniel commented
A few comments about this feature:
1) Please remove pagination on the Settings -> templates page or provide a Show All button. That would be very useful to make choices on which templates we want to see.
2) Also, if there could be a remove template option right from the dashboard that would be a BIG improvement. If tests are already running, we should be able to see data when making decision, so we don't accidentally remove a high performing template.
3) Lastly, it would be great if you could show template screenshot on mouseover of template name from the dashboard as I posted here http://ezoic.uservoice.com/forums/249780-request-features/suggestions/6351382-show-template-screenshot-on-mouseover-of-template
Daniel -
This functionality is available in Settings -> Templates.
Ad placements and aesthetics / visuals are separate items and tested as such. You are able to block specific ad placements in the advanced settings currently -- at the cost of revenue, of course. A better approach if ads are a problem for you personally might be to change your optimization goals to user experience.
Ken Rohrer commented
Dwayne said: "It would be helpful to learn what "absolutely unacceptable" is and what your criteria for that is so maybe we can come up with some way to address that specifically."
To me it is unacceptable for the ads to push the all the content below the fold. This is what is happening for some of my visitors.
Ken Rohrer commented
As it stands now, the only way I can see layouts (other than I see myself) is if people send me screen shots. I would like a visual to go with the names in the experiments. This way we can exclude unacceptable layouts quickly.
Anonymous commented
Yes, a generic preview would suffice.
Samer Kurdi commented
This is an extremely important issue IMHO. And though I can imagine that thumbnails and previews might be technically difficult, as a publisher I feel it is extremely important to see what a certain recipe/experiment that is purported to increase this or that metric looks like in real life.
I propose that you provide a 'preview' option where instead of thumbnails or images, the publisher can 'test drive' that experiment (even if it is within a frame in the Ezoic website or the like).
Anonymous commented
I agree, some of the variations look awful. A generic preview/thumbnail would help.
This is a request we get from time-to-time, but one that is difficult technically for us. First, we try to make every effort to ensure that we are all measuring success by looking at what works and not by what we personally may prefer. Secondly, our system is far more dynamic than static variations. Within a experiment/ variation we will try out "sub-tests" where we test our different ad positions, colors, etc. Because of this, the issue with a preview is that what you may see may be different than what others see.
It would be helpful to learn what "absolutely unacceptable" is and what your criteria for that is so maybe we can come up with some way to address that specifically. For example, if its an issue of general appearance and not specifics then maybe a generic "preview / thumbnail" of the appearance would suffice?